Singing Guide: Lost Frequencies

Singing Guide: Lost Frequencies

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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Lost Frequencies: Tips for Learning to Sing Like Him

Lost Frequencies, also known as Felix De Laet, is a Belgian DJ and producer, who is best known for his 2014 hit single "Are You with Me". He has since released a number of successful tracks, such as "Reality" and "Crazy", and has garnered a following for his unique sound that blends elements of deep house, acoustic instruments and folk-inspired melodies. In this article, we will explore some tips and tricks for learning to sing like Lost Frequencies, and highlight some of his unique vocal techniques and songs that showcase them.

Developing Your Vocal Range

Before we dive into Lost Frequencies' unique style, it's important to start with the basics. Developing your vocal range is a crucial foundation for singing, and Singing Carrots offers an easy-to-use vocal range test to help you determine your range. Once you know the range of notes you are able to sing, it's important to practice exercises that help you strengthen your voice and expand your range.

Using a Breath Support

One of the most unique vocal techniques that Lost Frequencies incorporates into his music is the use of breath support. This technique involves taking deep, diaphragmatic breaths to support your vocal cords and enhance your sound. Singing Carrots offers a helpful blog post on breath support and respiration that explains this technique in more detail.

Focus on Vocal Registers

Another key aspect of Lost Frequencies' singing style is his use of vocal registers and transitions between them. Singing Carrots offers a great blog post on voice registers and the vocal break, which explains the difference between chest, head, and mixed registers and how to transition smoothly between them. This will be particularly helpful in mastering Lost Frequencies' style, which often features a blend of these registers.

Finding Your Authentic Voice

Lost Frequencies' unique sound is grounded in his authentic style, and finding your own authentic voice is key to developing your singing style. Singing Carrots offers a helpful blog post on finding your own authentic voice that covers some helpful tips on how to develop your own unique sound and style.

Singing Like Lost Frequencies

To sing like Lost Frequencies, it's helpful to listen to some of his most popular tracks and focus on the unique elements of his vocal style. Songs like "Are You with Me" and "Crazy" showcase his use of breath support, vocal registers, and authentic vocal style. Singing Carrots offers a helpful song search feature that allows you to find songs that match your vocal range and genre preference.


In conclusion, singing like Lost Frequencies requires a focus on developing your vocal range, using breath support, mastering vocal registers, and finding your own authentic style. Singing Carrots offers a variety of helpful resources, including a vocal range test, educational singing games like Pitch Training, and an educational singing course, to help you develop your singing skills. By incorporating these tips and resources and practicing regularly, you can learn to sing like Lost Frequencies and develop your own unique style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.